Employment Opportunities

Primary Healthcare Centers has agreements with several educational institutions. Medical students, interns and others who are interested in working at Primary Healthcare Centers should contact Sandy Matheson at mathesons@primaryhealthcarecenter.org or 706-620-4494 Ext 8322.

Workforce Development
Primary Healthcare Centers has teamed up with a number of health agencies to create a rural workforce development program. Housing can be arranged and students will have the opportunity to work closely with medical staff to enrich learning and provide a greater understanding of what it means to practice in a rural and underserved area.

Vacant Positions
In addition, Primary Healthcare Centers accepts resumes and CVs throughout the year. You can fax them to 706-419-8267 or email them to kirkj@primaryhealthcarecenter.org.

Check out our Indeed company page and our Facebook page for immediate job openings

National Health Service Corp: Medical clinicians interested in applying for an NHSC loan repayment should contact Diana Allen, CEO, at 706-620-4494.

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