School-Based Healthcare Center
Rossville Middle School

Our Walker County school-based clinic is located on the school campus at Rossville Middle School in Rossville, Georgia. Primary Healthcare Centers offers medical services Monday through Friday and dental services on Wednesday at this location.

Rossville, GA Medical Clinic
Map for Directions
Rossville middle school
Rossville Middle School
316 Bulldog Trail,
Rossville Ga 30741

Hours of Operation


Open during school hours

We follow the school calendar

  • Adult/family medical care
  • Infant and children’s medical care
  • Employer health services
  • Lab services
  • Nutrition
  • Case management
  • Behavioral health
  • Community education and outreach
  • Enrollment assistance, Affordable Care Act and other public programs

Stay Connected

Primary Healthcare Centers is an FTCA (Federal Tort Claims Act) deemed facility for purposes of certain liability protections.
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